§ 2-543. Definitions.
§ 2-544. Record books.
§ 2-545. Declaration of records as public property; access.
§ 2-546. Records to be delivered to successor in office.
§ 2-547. Records of abolished local governments.
§ 2-548. Access to records.
§ 2-549. Destruction of records.
§ 2-550. Litigation and open records requests.
§ 2-551. Method of destruction.
§ 2-552. Alienation of records prohibited.
§ 2-553. Right of recovery.
§ 2-554. Destruction of nonrecord material.
§ 2-555. Personal liability.
§ 2-556. Penalty—Destruction or alienation of record.
§ 2-557. Same—Possession of record by private entity.
§ 2-558. Duties and responsibilities of governing body.
§ 2-559. Duties and responsibilities of records management officer.
§ 2-560. Responsibilities of city department heads.
§ 2-561. Responsibilities of records assistants.
§ 2-562. City offices to use records control schedules.
§ 2-563. Designation of records management officer.
§ 2-564. Records management program established.
§ 2-565. Preparation and filing of records control schedules.
§ 2-566. Destruction of obsolete records.
§ 2-567. Destruction of unscheduled records.
§ 2-568. Recordkeeping requirements.
§ 2-569. Care of records of permanent value.
§ 2-570. Microfilming of records.
§ 2-571. Destruction of original records.
§ 2-572. Destruction of permanent records.
§ 2-573. Electronic storage of records.
§ 2-574. Denial of access prohibited.
§ 2-575. Open records.
§ 2-576. Nonpublic information.
§ 2-577. Special right of access to confidential information.
§ 2-578. Application for public information.
§ 2-579. Officer for public records.
§ 2-580. Attorney general opinions.
§ 2-581. Writ of mandamus.
§ 2-582. Cost of copies and charges for access to public records.
§ 2-583. Cost of noncertified photographic reproductions.
§ 2-584. Cost of records, any other form.
§ 2-585. Waiver or reduction of fees.
§ 2-586. Failure to provide copies.
§ 2-587. Charges for services.
§ 2-588. Penalty.
§ 2-589. Interpretation.
§§ 2-590—2-611. Reserved.